Florian Hockenholz
Physiotherapist & yoga teacher
My passion for sports, health and medicine led me to become a physiotherapist more than 25 years ago. After many years in the profession, many other qualifications such as studying osteopathy and numerous further training courses in the field of yoga & I am still enthusiastic about yoga therapy every day as a therapist and pass it on in my seminars and lectures. In the last 20 years I have taught over 2,300 seminar days.
My job as
Editor, Author & co-author
After more than 20 years of self-employment as a therapist, as an entrepreneur in the digital environment, as the owner of yoga studios in Berlin and many other activities in the combination of the digital and analogue world, I have currently focused on the following business areas, which I personally look after. Many of my other business areas are organized and managed by outstanding people.
Current occupation
Online teaching of seminars
I teach all courses in the field of pain therapy, medical yoga teachers, yoga therapy and the breathwork and meditation seminars online myself. The practical parts in the seminar centers are taught by licensed speakers of my concepts.
Management of the Academy
You don't see me every day in class anymore, but I'm active in the background every day. I am revising established concepts, developing new training courses and seminars and am currently working intensively on the further digitization of the academy.
Twice a week I personally answer all messages that come in via Messenger, at the bottom right of this page. Even if you wait a few days for an answer - I will definitely get in touch with you.
Teaching face-to-face seminars
I teach individual practical seminars in Berlin myself. I also teach a number of international seminars in Europe and beyond every year.
You can also request in-house training at any time.